Making pensions digital with payroll integration

Payroll integration keeps you connected with your pension provider and allows you to submit your pension employee data in real time with one simple click. Find out why more employers and payroll professionals than ever before are utilising this time and cost-efficient solution.

Since its introduction in 2012, auto enrolment has been a great success at getting more people paying into a personal pension, but it’s also changed the way payroll professionals operate. Pensions are now an integral part of running payroll – you can’t complete payroll without pension processing, and without the right tools, it can be difficult to keep up with the time-sensitive reporting schedule and make sure all your I’s are dotted and your T’s are crossed.

Making it easier for you to stay on top of your pension responsibilities

At The People’s Pension, one of our core values is creating simplicity, and one of the ways we keep things simple is by offering payroll integration to our employer customers. It’s an integrated service that connects your payroll directly to your pension provider, with the aim of improving the accuracy and efficiency of your pension reporting. Unlike us, not all pension providers offer this, and as one of the largest master trust workplace pensions in the UK, with no monthly administration charges, we’re an ideal solution for customers interested in using payroll integration.

A digital solution that keeps you connected

It makes sending pension information easier, similar to the RTI (real-time information) submissions you send to HM Revenue and Customs. It gets rid of the fiddly processes of keying in data, completing spreadsheets, and correcting errors. Instead, pension data is sent over at once with a single click from within your payroll software.

In the age of ‘the Internet of Everything’ where all our digital devices are interconnected, pension-payroll integration seems like a no-brainer. Just like HMRC making tax digital – where the aim is to increase accuracy, reduce paperwork, and make the tax system simpler and more efficient – payroll integration provides similar benefits, meaning less stress and worry for you when it comes to keeping up with your workplace pension responsibilities. 

We know from talking to employers that it can be tough to keep up with all their pension requirements, especially if they have to submit everything manually. That’s when the errors creep in, and what should be a simple job becomes complex and costs more time and money as a result. Integrating your payroll with us can help you remove the hassle of costly manual mistakes and streamline your pension reporting. It means you can automate repetitive tasks so your staff can focus on running your business.

Get connected, whatever your payroll software

We also make it simple to integrate with us as we partner with leading payroll software providers, making sending data even easier. And we also provide the necessary resources to our payroll software partners, enabling them to build the functionality you need to manage your pension effectively. You can find out which payroll software providers we work with here.

Join the many employers already using payroll integration

Based on the latest statistics, the appetite for payroll integration is growing. Since April 2022, we’ve recorded more than a 30% increase in the uptake of our customers switching to using payroll integration. So, if you’re struggling with manual inputs and keeping your pension data up-to-date and accurate, payroll integration might be the solution you’re looking for. To join the employers already reaping the benefits of payroll integration or to find out more, take a look at our payroll integration webpage.

Our mission to make life simpler with payroll integration

Thanks to auto-enrolment, millions are now saving toward their futures but since its introduction in 2012, pensions have become a much bigger addition to payroll professionals’, already very full, plates.

At The People’s Pension, we’re passionate about making pension data submissions simple. The solution? Payroll integration. It’s an integrated service that connects your payroll directly to your pension provider (of course, we hope you’re using The People’s Pension). It makes sending pension information much like the RTI (real time information) submissions you send to HM Revenue and Customs. It gets rid of the fiddly processes of keying in data, completing spreadsheets and correcting errors. Instead, data is sent over all at once, with a single click.

It’s not something every pension provider offers, but we do. We’re one of the largest master trust workplace pensions in the UK, with no monthly administration charges, which makes us an excellent choice for those looking to use payroll integration.

Hungry for change?

Employers and payroll professionals, big and small, are now saving time with payroll integration. In 2021 alone, submissions to us using payroll integration increased by 37% and we expect this to continue to grow throughout 2022.

We work with some of the leading payroll software providers, seamlessly connecting with them so that businesses can simply and securely manage their workplace pensions with us. Take a look at who’s already with us.

Help is on hand

If your payroll isn’t connected with us and developing an integration is too costly or time consuming for your payroll provider, there are other options available. Third party providers, like PensionSync, can connect your payroll software to your pension provider allowing you to take advantage of the benefits of payroll integration immediately.

Taking action at Accountex

Last week, we attended Accountex, Europe’s definitive accounting event, to spread the word about payroll integration and to find out what people using it thought about it.

We asked – ‘Is payroll integration important to you?’.

A staggering 100% said ‘yes’, emphatically telling us that the manual way of submitting pensions data is not fit for purpose. This makes us determined to get payroll integration into the hands of as many employers and payroll professionals as possible.

While we’re already linked up with many of the industry’s leading payroll providers, we’re not connected with everyone… yet. Discover who we’re partnered with on our new payroll integration webpage. Don’t see your provider? No worries, we’ll let you know how to get the ball rolling, we’ll even help you out if you give us a few details.


This article was written when we were B&CE, before we changed our name to People’s Partnership in November 2022.

Payroll integration – Faster, more secure and more accurate!

Let’s explore how linking your payroll up with The People’s Pension can cut out the uphill climb of pension contribution submissions.

Having your payroll run smoothly is important when it comes to pensions. It’s how the contributions get paid to help people save for their futures. With everything else employers have to focus on, downloading pension files and then uploading them to a pension provider, like The People’s Pension, can sometimes feel like an uphill struggle, especially when things don’t go to plan.

Payroll integration allows your payroll software to link up to The People’s Pension (or another provider). It can turn climbing up a mountain into a simple walk in the park. It eliminates the hassle of keying in data, completing spreadsheets and correcting errors. Data is sent seamlessly all at once, with one click. A lot like how you send RTI (real time information) submissions to HM Revenue & Customs.

Not all pension providers offer an integrated service. But this option is available to you with The People’s Pension.

Employers and payroll professionals, big and small, are looking to payroll integration to help them manage their workplace pension data more efficiently. In 2021, submissions to The People’s Pension using payroll integration increased by 37%*.

We want to give businesses a quick and simple way to manage their workplace pensions with us. We work with some of the leading payroll software providers to bring payroll integration to all businesses – no matter what their size. Take a look at who’s already with us and see if you can lighten your load with payroll integration.

Turn that mountain into a molehill

Recently, we sat down with Sage to talk about the benefits of payroll integration and how to set it up using their Sage 50cloud software. If you use this software, there’s no better place to start than here. The webinar lets you know how payroll integration is faster, more secure and more accurate. It also includes a step-by-step demo showing you how to link Sage 50cloud to The People’s Pension.

You can watch the webinar recording, ‘Sage 50cloud Payroll Webinar – Pension Data Exchange with The People’s Pension’, to find out more.

Submitting the data is seamless

Let’s hear from someone who’s already integrated their Sage 50cloud software with The People’s Pension – Praful Shah, of Shah P J & Co Ltd, who has been using payroll integration for around 3 years to manage their 47 clients with The People’s Pension said:

“By connecting our Sage 50cloud payroll software with The People’s Pension using Pensions Data Exchange, it’s made managing pension data simpler and saved us hours of time. Submitting the data is seamless. I recommend anyone to get on board with payroll integration.”

What if I’m not with Sage?

You don’t have to be with Sage to benefit from payroll integration. If you’re interested, the best place to start is by speaking with your payroll software provider to see if they’ve already integrated with The People’s Pension. If they haven’t or you don’t have a payroll provider, you could use PensionSync. They’re a technology platform for managing your pension with many of the leading workplace pension schemes. To find out whether your payroll provider is already linked up with The People’s Pension or whether they use a company like PensionSync, visit our payroll webpages.

*From January to December 2021


This article was written when we were B&CE, before we changed our name to People’s Partnership in November 2022.

Payroll integration – a simpler way to manage your pension processes

Payroll plays a key role in pensions. After all, it’s what helps get contributions paid and people saving for later life. Deciding how best to manage the process of handling and submitting data can sometimes feel like sailing through rocky shores. But it doesn’t have to be – here’s why…

Payroll integration! An integrated service which allows your payroll system to be linked up to the pension provider of your choice (and if you’re reading this, that’s hopefully us – The People’s Pension). By doing so, it eliminates the hassle of keying in data, completing spreadsheets and correcting errors – it means sending data across, all in one go, at the push of a button. This is much like you do with RTI (real time information) submissions to HMRC.

Not all pension providers offer an integrated service. But with The People’s Pension that’s exactly what you’ll get.

Take to the helm with payroll integration

More and more employers and payroll professionals are looking to payroll integration to help them manage their workplace pension data more efficiently. In the last 12 months, submissions to The People’s Pension using payroll integration has increased by over 30%*.

We’re committed to offering a quick and simple way for businesses to manage their workplace pension with us. It doesn’t matter how big your business is; we work with some of the leading payroll software providers. Don’t miss the boat – get on board and benefit from a seamless process. And if you need any more convincing, why not take a look at who’s already with us.

How to get started

If you’re interested in payroll integration, start by speaking with your payroll software provider to see if they’ve already integrated with The People’s Pension. If they haven’t or you don’t have a payroll provider, you could use PensionSync. They’re a technology platform for managing your pension with many of the leading workplace pension schemes. Their flexible systems mean they can adapt to your company’s needs when it comes to managing pension data.

Alex Fleet, Director at Abco Payroll recommends PensionSync to automate the delivery of pension data to The People’s Pension:

“The process works as efficiently as we would expect from two organisations with a commitment to efficient processes. By setting clients up for automated collection of contributions we are able to do all the scheme administration from within our payroll software rather than manually in each client scheme on The Peoples Pension portal.”

Alex Fleet, Director at Abco Payroll

No more choppy waters – make your payroll smooth sailing

I recently hosted a webinar with Dan Donovan, Head of Customer Experience at PensionSync, where we talked about how payroll professionals and employers can automatically connect their payroll to PensionSync using our integrated solution. We also covered the increased efficiencies that come with payroll integration and some of PensionSync’s services and latest features.
Watch our webinar recording, ‘Make payroll integration work for you’ to find out more. Or visit our payroll webpages.

*Stat from June 2021.


This article was written when we were B&CE, before we changed our name to People’s Partnership in November 2022.

Payroll professionals – our way of saying thank you

Keeping the UK paid. That’s what payroll professionals do. They’re vital to our economy and managing workplace pension data so the nation can save for later life. It’s only right then that there’s a specific week each year that celebrates payroll professionals. It’s a bit of a shout out – and well deserved too.

This year National Payroll Week runs from 6-10 September. And so, we’re running a webinar on Wednesday 8 September. It’s our way of saying thank you – we’ll be talking about how we believe payroll professionals can make their lives a little more plain sailing when it comes to workplace pensions.

Our webinar – make payroll integration work for you

We’re committed to making workplace pensions as simple to manage as possible. That’s why we work together with some of the leading software providers and other integration partners, like PensionSync, to offer a quick and easy way to manage employees’ pensions – like ‘send data at the push of a button’ kind of easy.

Our upcoming webinar on Wednesday 8 September, with PensionSync, will explore how payroll professionals can automate the process of sending data to The People’s Pension through an integrated service. If you join, you’ll hear from me, as well as Dan Donovan – Head of Customer Experience at PensionSync.

We’ll cover things like:

  • The benefits of using our payroll integration solution with PensionSync
  • The increased efficiencies that come with successful payroll integration
  • A demo from PensionSync, including their latest features and updates on bulk payroll-to-pension processing


Why send your payroll at the push of a button?

Payroll software is a key consideration when choosing a pension scheme – it needs to work with your pension scheme and it must be able to carry out all auto-enrolment tasks. The Pensions Regulator has made that very clear on their webpage about considerations when choosing a pension scheme. But for those who use file upload, submitting workplace pension data is more complicated than it needs to be…

Manual processes can be clunky, time-consuming and involve several steps before getting from A to B. Payroll integration cuts out the steps – with a button – thereby simplifying the process.

What’s in it for you:

  1. Say goodbye to manual processes – with integration you send and retrieve your data at the push of a button.
  2. No human error – by managing data submissions, from within payroll, you can reduce those unexpected errors.
  3. Quick and seamless – transfer pension data faster and securely.
  4. Increased efficiencies – it’s a smoother process all round, improving your data handling, saving money and time for you (and your business).

At The People’s Pension, we’re dedicated to helping you manage your pension data quickly and efficiently. Hear from one of our clients – Alex Fleet, Director at Abco Payroll, on how integration has transformed how they process pension data:

“By setting clients up for automated collection of contributions we are able to do all the scheme administration from within our payroll software rather than manually in each client scheme on The People’s Pension portal.

Integration has literally transformed how we process pension data. We save days every month.”

What next?

Visit our payroll webpages to find out if we can speed up your payroll processes and connect with your payroll software provider.

And don’t forget to register for our webinar, ‘Make payroll integration work for you’.


This article was written when we were B&CE, before we changed our name to People’s Partnership in November 2022.

Nipping those early workplace pension snags in the bud

Kevin Martin, our Group Director of Customer Services, shares some top tips for employers and payroll professionals new to workplace pensions.

Auto-enrolment has changed the pensions landscape for employers and payroll professionals submitting their employee data. Over the last few years, they’ve had to handle a lot:

  • The first auto-enrolment staging cycle
  • Contribution increases
  • Re-enrolling workers who’ve previously opted out

For every data file uploaded to The People’s Pension, there are very few exceptions that fall out of the automated process – with only 0.075% requiring an intervention to correct.

At a glance, this might not seem like much, but when you look at the number of contribution files submitted, even a small percentage of exceptions can interrupt the smooth and frictionless process of file uploads. And so precious time is spent getting help to fix these issues.

In fact, many of the data file issues we see concern re-enrolment and situations where there’s a communications gap between workers and employers. In other words, a proportion of the 7-8% of workers who say they don’t want to be in their workplace pension get swept back in without knowing. This can be a problem – not only for the employees who’ve unexpectedly been enrolled and start to lose 5% of their take-home pay – but also for employers who rely on their employees to keep their personal details up to date.

The solution? Communication

By employers communicating to their employees at the right time, their employees can make informed decisions about their money and financial future. For example, we work closely with our employers to help them understand their duties and ensure that re-enrolled workers get their joiner information in good time.

Our website has a wealth of material to help members, employers, and payroll professionals, but below are my top 3 tips to help with getting to grips with workplace pensions in the first few months.

3 top tips for keeping your workplace pension on track

  1. Bridge that communications gap with employees – Our communications toolkit can help by sharing key information with employees at the right time. It could also lead to fewer queries being asked by employees as they’ll know where to go to find answers. 
  2. Know your duties – The Pensions Regulator’s website can help with understanding your employer duties, including which employees you’ll need to enrol (or re-enrol).
  3. Focus on getting good data into the system – You may be able to automate your contribution submissions by linking your account with your payroll and pension provider. This could save time with manual uploads through seamless, secure transfer of data and leave less room for errors.

Discover more

Visit our communications toolkit or contact us on 01293 58 66 43 if you have any questions. 


This article was written when we were B&CE, before we changed our name to People’s Partnership in November 2022.

The People’s Pension joins virtual pensions panel

We were joined by speakers from Nest and Smart Pension to answer key questions from employers, small businesses and accountants about improving pension schemes for employees and general pension queries.

The webinar enabled us to share valuable industry insights and discuss a whole host of topics including:

  • things to look out for when choosing a pension scheme for your employees – and our offering
  • what contributions should be made to your employees’ pension scheme
  • the benefits of contributing to a pension – apart from retirement saving.

And much more…

Rachael covered some of the key work we’re doing to support our customers. Like our new annual management charge structure which will help your employees save more in later life, ongoing work with payroll providers and our pledge to scheme governance – something The People’s Pension remain committed to as a part of a not-for-profit organisation.

We’re here to help

Listen to Rachael’s expert advice on employee pensions – watch the Intuit QuickBooks webinar.


This article was written when we were B&CE, before we changed our name to People’s Partnership in November 2022.